About Us


Our mission is to help E-Commerce businesses grow and scale their business as easily and fast as possible thanks to the magic of automation.

That’s because, after a collective 50+ years in the E-Commerce industry, we know there are some amazing products out there, but they’re unable to compete in today’s Amazon-dominated world.

That’s why we created OpenMarket™, so everyone can get access to enterprise-level tools to engage everywhere, execute E-Commerce quickly, and get the intelligence they need to serve the customer.

Gone are the days when you have to spend time getting 20+ disparate systems to talk to each other in order to run E-Commerce smoothly.

Our goal is that OpenMarket™ helps many E-Commerce owners expand their reach and impact the world with their offerings now that yesterday’s technology is no longer a bottleneck.



San Armani: San is the CEO of OpenMarket™. He has been a CEO for 15 years building both private and public companies. He graduated with an M.S. in Computer Science from MIT and an MBA from the University of California. He used to be the executive vice president of Product management at Oracle. He has over 25+ years of technology experience and is a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits.His companies have generated over $3Billion in revenue collectively. He has also helped raise over $500 million dollars in funding and is a master at helping people become better CEOs and get the money E-Commerce business owners need in order to grow their business. Seasoned AI Leader experienced in building Enterprise SAAS Products at HP VMware Amazon and GE.


Raj G : Raj is the Founder Chairman and Chief Technology Officer of OpenMarket™. He graduated with an M.S. in Computer Science from Oxford University and an MBA from the University of California. He used to be the executive Vice President of Engineering at Webmethods an IBM Company. He has over 25+ years of technology experience and is a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits. His ERP and AI Expertise is Legendary.

Josh Marsden: Josh is a Digital Marketing Expert that specializes in helping E-Commerce businesses scale to 7-8 figures by using his powerful ARM5™ Formula. His formula has helped businesses since 2013 maximize their digital advertising profits using the 9 key systems of the ARM5™ Formula. This has led to successes with over 200 E-Com companies since 2013.

KorieMinkus Trevino: Korie is a senior member of a U.S.-based International Consulting Firm, with a focus on marketing, operational and financial services, that positions their clients for growth, capitalization, and exit strategies. She delivers resource-based training in sales impact, cross operational leadership, market share growth, and human development.

Adam Krumwiede- Adam Krumwiede is the Chief Business Development Officer at Openmarket.AI. Adam has a background in being an executive sales leader at large tech companies that include Zillow and Amazon.  He is a proven sales leader that has teamed up with Openmarket.AI to create a platform that integrates with his current company to provide an all-in-one solution for effectiveness at tradeshows with all marketing material designs and connecting vendors with companies through e-brochures and e-business cards.  Also creating content and design for Ecommerce product listings on every major platform, including Amazon, Walmart, Target, eBay and Google.


Adam Foster: A CPA with Extensive Experience in Corporate Finance. He helps ERP customers in fund raising and corporate investments.

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Our Story


Creating the most powerful integrated solution for E-Commerce entrepreneurs requires an integrated team.

Each member of the OpenMarket™ team brings a unique talent that helps drive the growth and success of the company.

It all starts with San Ramani, the computer genius from MIT who created a precursor product that has already served multiple E-Commerce markets.

Raj, an Oxford University Masters of Computer Science is a Programming Genius , He helps businesses super scale and has 25+ years of experience as a founder Chairman and CTO and has helped create and Grow Multiple Billion dollar businesses. Raj is a Leader in  Autonomous Integration Platforms and had built 600+ integrations into the world’s top ecosystems. 3000+ Brands run the MobilityeCommerce ERP to manage over 4Billion $ in GMV on Amazon using his technology. The One Stop 26 Modules cover every aspect of eCommerce.

Josh Marsden came along with his marketing wizardry and ability to scale multiple E-Commerce brands to 7-8 figure valuations in 12-24 hours.

Then came KorieMinkos Trevino, with her experience in helping E-Commerce entrepreneurs grow and scale their physical products.

Together, this “dream team” had a vision for creating the most integrated E-Commerce platform in the industry.

All four of them had their own problems with existing solutions, and they realized that many E-Commerce business owners had the same problems they did.

This was the genesis of OpenMarket™ – the by-product of many years of testing, refining, and tweaking to automate E-Commerce and execute quickly without having to integrate 20+ contrasting systems.

Want To Flip The E-Commerce Switch From “Difficult” To “Easier?”
Want To Flip The E-Commerce Switch
From “Difficult” To “Easier?”
Want To Flip The E-Commerce Switch From “Difficult” To “Easier?”